Huge LED Wall Upgrade!! - CROWNCAST - Episode 1
Welcome to our Podcast!! Join us as we breakdown the new LED wall project at Bayside Community Church in Bradenton Florida. We'll give you a behind the scenes look into our design and installation of their new Absen LED panels.
welcome to Crown cast podcast episode one yo what's up uh my name is Garrett
this is my business partner Ben Ben Graham on the mic Ben onai child of pain
Ben back Yonder Ben back Yonder better nickname yeah we got a couple of them and Welcome to our podcast this the
first podcast we've ever done this is it why are we doing a podcast Ben I mean
I think for for me uh one we want to kind of tell our stories and and show people more than just just pictures and
maybe an occasional video or whatever on our social media um but one thing I say a lot uh is
that people um don't really know what we do right so it's very hard I mean even
when we're like filling out some kind of form or you know we fill out a lot of permits and government stuff whatever to
do jobs but there's always boxes you can check you know when you're and they try to put you in a category right even on
social media when we're trying to like put out uh ads and stuff like that MH we
don't fit in any of these boxes it's kind of a weird thing so we're in small groups with other business part Business
Leaders and stuff in our community but it's the same way when I'm even talking to them MH uh you know you guys do the
sound and lights you know that's kind of what we get a lot right and that is what we do but well let's get let's get
people up to up to speed yeah because people probably don't even know who we are they they don't I'm still trying to
figure out who I am so probably don't know what we do either so Crown Design Group that's our that's our company it's
part of the crown universe that we've created Crown Global we are right now at
Crown HQ AKA our uh our office so this
is where we sit most days and we try to take over the world AVL style yep um so
what we are we are an AVL in ation company what does that mean we
design install service Anything Audio Video lighting for
commercial um applications uh most of our clients are churches we're kind of we're Church guys
we we grew up in the church we worked at churches uh we have a heart for the church we love the church uh we'll work
for anyone though yeah we we do work for schools and private companies and
everything in between but you know this podcast is kind of a way to show it off
too kind of show off some of the projects we've done uh give a glimpse inside of like the AVL integration world
yeah uh it's kind of a cool one I mean we kind of fell into it in a weird way which I think you know we'll get into
one day we'll probably go through our story but every single Project's different right every single projects
got its own cool things either like some uh some some issue that we have to
overcome or uh a cool new design and uh so I think it's worth showing I think
people will like it go through these projects show a project uh walk through the process of design walk through the
process of uh trouble troubleshooting issues um being creative I mean it's a
lot of fun yeah and we're going to do um just to share with everybody we're
going to do you know whatever you want to call them project breakdowns or whatever where we do specific projects
right we're going to go through them and kind of give you a look behind the curtain like a backstage because we do
this a lot too when we're at jobs when we're done we take little tours with people right and we take them backstage
and we show them everything and they get this whole new um view of what actually went into
everything not just this finished product so I think this podcast will do that too per project and show people
little details and then we're going to do just kind of Random episodes too cuz we talk about all kinds of stuff in this
little uh office that we're in um so I think it'll be I think it'll be interesting one way or the other and um
kind of never know what you're going to get yeah we've uh for those of you who don't know we started Crown Design Group
from nothing we uh built it up from nothing y just pure sweat blood
Equity uh and there's a whole world of the small business um you know the small
business world that people don't understand either right uh the struggles the uh decisions we have to make how to
do it how to build a company how to get out there how to get more work right dealing with the government dealing with
the government paying taxes paying taxes I mean all this stupid stuff and we talk about that a lot just sitting here Y and
so I guess for this podcast it's going to kind of be almost a fly on the wall in our office to a certain degree but
we'll still go over like projects and stuff look behind the curtain and business stuff too not just on projects
so kind of what we deal with behind the scenes that nobody ever sees right um
it' be good to talk about and good to share and hopefully it's interesting to people and helpful to people too right
um because yeah we have a unique one here with crown it's a it's been fun
it's quite a unique thing and a good a really big blessing for us and our families and this company that's grown
so much in the past over 10 years now right um so yeah that's a whole other
podcast I think where we talk about crown and how we started I think it'd be fun and to plan to take over the the
Earth yes take over the world the crown universe but so today we have a project
we're going to go through want to walk through it we'll talk about the vision of it how how it came to be um some of
the struggles some of the some of the issues with the project uh how we got through it and uh and the final you know
the final look the final Pro the final uh product of what it is yeah so uh
before that let's jump into a quick commercial break uh ching and we're back
okay here we go so uh Ben Why You intro introduce this project yeah so this is
um a local one for us which is kind of nice um it's really great when we get to work locally you don't have to travel as
much um it's also our home Church which is also a cool story um that we can talk
about in another podcast but this is in uh brington Florida so Manatee County
down in Florida on the Gulf Coast and we are at Bayside Community Church uh it's
a great church been around over 20 years now um and large Church multiple
locations right um every every one of their locations are a bit different some are larger than others some are newer
buildings some are older buildings that they've taken over kind of the same footprint that a lot of the uh
multi-site churches do right this happens to be at their main broadcast location MH which is in Lakewood Ranch
Florida brington Florida um it's about how many seats I think it's around 2500
yeah 2500 seat a big room it's big room feels big in there big open ceilings yep
uh Ray seating in the back big ground area for seating pretty large stage as
well um and pretty high stage as well it's just
a big room so anytime you're working in a big room it just means bigger things
and more things usually when it comes to um AVL related things so in this one um
we are going to be redoing uh their video in the room
so they have a mixture right now of projector screens and led panels right
and they have projector screens on the sides LED panels in the in the center stage yep and they were dealing a lot
with continuity between colors and latency between projectors and led panels and a
lot of different issues um for people sitting in the in the seats watching being a part of the the
service um so it was time for an upgrade to kind of just um work through that system and make it better in every way
so the projectors are starting to go they're kind of flickering a bit and those are very expensive to to service
so those old bar it was like a 20,000 lumen they're still lamp projectors and not
lamps that you can just buy online so it's like you fly somebody in to come and and relamp the things twice a year
and service them yeah it was a headache um the screens were getting a little bit of wear and tear on them they just
weren't looking right I mean over 10 over 10 years of use pretty much pretty
much yeah yeah about 10 years of use and a lot of use not just like a service a week you know I mean right they're in
here all the time doing all kinds of things so tons of you use um and they're trying to upgrade to
have their you know the people that come in the room for service to have the best experience they can and it was getting to a point where it was starting to
become a little bit distracting right um between the two because of the issues they were having so it's kind of kind of
how this started yeah so we got a call from the Bayside team I'm not sure who called us but um they first it was just
looking at the side projectors cuz the side projectors they got they're on their way out they're starting to
flicker we got do something are we going to just invest more into these dying projectors or we going to do something
new so over the years we've seen the price of an LED Wall come down and start
to meet almost projection depending on the size of screen depending on the pixel pitch but every year these led
walls get more and more affordable um and or the pixel pitch
gets tighter for a cheaper price right um yeah before you could this a few I
mean five six seven years ago this wouldn't even be a conversation too it would be too expensive and then what the
panels you'd be getting would be like you said lower quality and pixel pitch would be very wide and right you
wouldn't get the quality that you could get from a projector so it wasn't it's hard to make those decisions then now
they did have LEDs in the center of their stage um not by us right and the
issue there was that they bought kind of no name right just used used kind of
straight from China LED panels which I guess for everyone listening all these
panels are built in China right uh but still not every panel is made equal
right and we've found that out we've seen it we've we've seen the uh the nightmare situations with someone buying
a noname or white labeling an offbrand or bringing them over some dude selling
Led wall walls out of the back of their truck we've seen it all and what happens
a client gets a bad batch with maybe a bad component some bad capacitors or something little by little each one
starts dying off and then you go try and find that dude that sold all these panels to you out of the back of his van
and what oh you can't find him now yeah I wonder why right because he was selling out things out the back of his
truck and then what you're stuck with an inventory of LED walls that are hard to service or you have to send them back to
China to get serviced or you had to find a third party yeah and it's it's a
headache it's it's a nightmare so we've decided as a company that we'd only uh
offer LED walls that we trust if we if we trust them then our client will trust
them right yeah it's just not worth it's not worth a gamble really for us we're
always working with budgets so we understand like the budget thing yeah um but you got to you have to weigh that
out especially on larger purchases and some people do take the Gamble and and
it's been fun fine and they and they've been fine so there's those stories too um but yeah uh you just don't want
something to go wrong with a purchase like that right and then be stuck with it right so that's why we choose certain
ones only work with them right so another thing too is that we um or or the led the LED panels that they did
have they didn't have enough to do what they wanted right so the issue is you're you're looking at CER screen and you're
looking at LED panels and they did have a few extra but then you look at the side screens
which look completely different because they're projectors right so the thing was okay well let's just change the sides to to LEDs so like you said a
second ago we went in with the with the idea of we're just replacing the side screens with new LED panels so we went
we started that process we started looking into it started designing getting pricing and then the
conversation started to shift a bit um with the staff at at Bayside with
production with pastor of well right now we're looking at something that's
completely different this the center is different than the sides because we have led panels and we have projectors on the
sides right so now all we're going to be doing is replacing the side screens with LED panels well those are different than
the center ones right so the question is is it going to look different is it going to you know act differently with
the latency and the coloring and everything yeah probably cuz what we found out you know over the past decade
is you know LED pan panels are you you know they're manufactured in batches and
so they can vary um even if you buy the same panel and the same manufacturer they can even vary from batch to batch
if you have two different manufacturers side by side then you're going to see a difference for sure so then the
conversation turned into well we don't want to just do the sides because that doesn't make any sense it kind of puts us where we are now you know it's still
looking different so then it turned into why don't we do the center as well and try to do like a major rehab Y which
then all which turned into larger job bigger discussions you know um but
that's where that's where it went and so we like okay let's do it and right let's get a little crazy with it and we uh we
got creative and did some added actually a couple other screens as well yeah in the design process yeah you want to jump
into it yeah show it all right so let's let's look at the design real quick so this is kind of some of the documentation that we kind of put
together just so that everyone was on the same page as as far as power uh panel count
Arrangement uh so here's just a quick I mean this is like a sketchy rendering but um there's a floor plan
shot um here are all the circuits we had to do um so this is a lot of lot of
power a lot of power yep here's a a line drawing of all the uh the data drops and
also all the power um trying to get these are some custom panel I'll go back through this here okay so that's what it
that was the final design so the pink screens are the side screens side screens Y and then we ended up adding
the center and then the portraits the portrait screens the teal ones or the aqua ones yep those were kind of what we
threw in so we do this a lot on projects we'll we'll get the vision from the from the church or the client and then we
start drawing and putting our heads together because we're creative people too we want to and and it's kind of just
expanding the horizons like hey this looks great but and then we start showing them renders like this yeah so
this was the rendering that um that Keegan showed up Keegan my brother who's
our designer he put this together rendered it out it and it's this is what it turned into so when when you see the
the pink the pictures of the project this is what it was but this is the idea the idea was first off to get uh the
side screens which are primarily used for imeg so camera shots are primarily
on those side screens which is typical but then in the center you've got a large long 40 something Foot Led wall
that is primarily Graphics lyrics um different content video
content and then we added these portraits which are like my favorite thing in this in the LED world now uh
doing portrait imeg uh essentially focusing on whoever's either
speaking or leading a song or playing a a solo or whatever's going on is
typically on those portraits and the portraits work in my eyes because we are portrait we stand straight up we're not
we're not landscape I know 169 landscape is the typical video you know it's what
we look at at a TV and but when you're talking real estate on stage when you're
talking LED panel count right when you're trying to get the best bang for your buck you don't need everything
beside a person right you can just focus in and another great feature of having a
portrait imeg wall is that uh you can save that like you you're creating
you're creating content for that for that um portrait wall right but you can you can record it to a to a hard drive
or whatever and it's essentially like having pre-made content for online right
obviously Instagram everything is is Portrait everything's portrait so now you are creating that content in real
time while you switch and are able to use that online for whatever which the churches do typically
they they love to put up videos of them playing songs right or speak uh you know
the pastor speaking or whatever's going on yeah they also had an issue with um I
mean imagine those side screens not being there and you just see these big black holes in the stage right and they
they had an issue with that for a long time and trying to fill it they used lights and set designs and stuff you
know to try to fill those areas y um and so that was an idea too of well we could just if we're doing this big of a
project you know why don't we throw another idea in there of doing these portrait screens in these voids and see
what happens right and that was from us so yeah that was a that's a thing that
we do all the time where we just kind of you know brainstorm and try to get creative and see if there's anything
else and and give and we did other designs too we did other drawings of this you know this room right and
eventually this is where it landed um so yeah that the portraits made it in they
they look sweet too yeah so I have some measure some true measurements here I think so yeah so the center wall was
around 46 ft wide it's a big wall um about 16 and 1/2 ft tall and then the
sides were about what 20 ft wide 20 something feet wide 20 21 I think yeah
13 ft tall around that yeah do you have a total uh panel count yeah it's just
over 5 00 panels 500 it's a lot of panels it's like 507 or 517 something
like that right so we are also looking at what the pixel pitch should be so these these screens are about 25 30 feet
from the front row would you say yeah also because of the cameras you know we
need to make sure that the pixel pitch was was uh tight enough where we weren't going to have any mo issues right so
that the pixels were so numerous that the camera couldn't grab on to it and and give that Mo look if you don't know
what MO is it's that funny the the flutter you'll see a person the person
will look fine on camera but then behind it it looks like it's kind of waving or on fire and really what's just happening
there is the pixels on the camera sensor are trying
to take video of the pixels of the LED wall and it can't do it it's like and it
gets a little funky and we we always have to deal with that we're dealing with that all the time but typically we have to fix it with certain camera
lenses and uh depth of field stuff with like Cinema cameras and everything but
in this scenario we had all that going on but we also had to find a pixel pitch
and a panel that we trusted um and and see if we can get it on time I mean
there's so many different factors we have to get it on time there's a there's a timeline on this oh yeah we hav't there we haven't even what was the
timeline it was two months which is very short for something like
this um it might have been a little more than two months maybe it was like 10 weeks or something like that this ha so
this is a pretty fresh job I mean we just this just happened I don't know a month ago or so six weeks ago when it
opened um but it was like right before Christmas when they uh text when they
called us and just started to started the conversation typically um
postco uh it takes a lot longer to get stuff stuff now and we've been dealing days we've been deal that with with with
everything right um and like we like we said before this stuff comes from China so it's not just sitting in the United
States right has to be brought over either on a shipping barge which is
takes a long time to go across the ocean um or if you want to fly it I mean that's very expensive but you can get it
quicker so we were dealing with time on this one for sure there was a big event that uh Bayside was going to have they
hosting the relay conference which was a it's a large conference um people come from all over the country pastors come
from all over the country to come here I think there's like 1,600 um different yeah pastors and Leadership from around
different people there yeah so they wanted to have these new screens up by then which makes sense and um we agreed
to make it happen and then after we agreed to make it happen we had to make it happen so that's kind of how typical
Crown Design Group we say yes and then we go make it happen yeah so we had to find well we had to find enough panels
because all this has to be from the same badge right we had to pick up the right panel that had the
right characteristics for the room and the great the right quality so there's all these different uh models right of
of panels that tout different different properties some are for touring some are like really light
and easy to throw up and it's just like you know they're made for that typically more expensive they'll have like big
magnets on it so that you can pop them up in placek and it makes it really easy for like set up and tear down every single
night every single night right uh the this was going to be installed once and probably changed around maybe every year
maybe once a year bu it up in the middle yeah so so we had to find the right panel we had to make sure that we could
get them extremely expedited yeah the only way this happened was because um
the panels we used were abson I don't even know if we said that but abson is what went with the manufacturer Absolut
yeah and they um these panels were already built so
you probably don't know if you order an LED wall uh from us for sure because we
get them direct from the manufacturer most of the time the panels aren't even built yet yeah they're made order yeah
we put in an order and then that's that's how you know your batch is all the same and so that takes time I mean
to actually manufacture and put these things together it's it's weeks and weeks and weeks of manufacturing right and then it's weeks couple weeks 2 3
weeks of on a barge to get over here and then they sit in a shipping container at the port and there got to go through
customs and right gets finally on a truck and then that takes over a week and so there's all that's what's going
through my brain when we're saying yes we're doing this somehow in you know two two months or whatever especially a job
that's big so it was immediately like okay let's go see what they have and is
what they have something that fits for the Bayside project so if it doesn't then we have to go back to them and say
I don't know if we can make it in time or we got to try something else or whatever right yeah so luckily they did
this panel they had they had it they had it uh already made uh which saved us
weeks and weeks of manufacturing time right um it was still a huge push to
like get these things into crates and get them shipped and get them over here yeah um so we've done a lot of projects
with abson yeah abson they're a Chinese company um they're one of the biggest y
LED wall comp LED panel companies in the world I think they're owned by one of the biggest companies in China yeah I
can't keep up but I know you could Google it real quick but um they're a big company Google at home people um but
why do we like abson is is they they do make a great product I know they kind of build a lot of panels for a lot of
different companies but they have uh a pretty good presence in the US they have a brick and mortar and a place in
Orlando here really close to us so any repair and 100% there's repairs if if
you ever buy an LED wall it's going to need repair right away the second we install these things we burn it in
meaning we just let it sit there on for days and eventually one of the millions
of millions and millions of solderers right uh break or pop or whatever and
you'll get a pixel out or you'll get a line out or a module out and they're
kind of made for that these led panels are made to quickly swap out modules and
they give you every time we sell a wall uh we sell extra parts like couple percent extra parts extra modules extra
cables extra control boards all that stuff because it's going to happen no matter what it's just part of the gig
yeah maintenance is a big just part of own and one it's just part of it but because abson have you know a brick and
mortar here in Orlando when you pop you know a the pixel goes bad you pop out a module you
have this group of bad modules Shi to Orlando they fix them for you it's under warranty y send them back to you you put
them up you're you're back and then all those other ones you know or you have them all as extras I guess right spares
again so we've we've used them a lot we've done really awesome projects with them over the years they've been fun to
work with uh they're helpful they're always available um smile's awesome so
we always talk about smile smile is our our main contact uh gives the best hugs in the
game tell you that but shout out smile love you dude
um but their whole team has been was helpful on this we we went through all this because we have to also look at
mapping we have to look at at uh everything in between power data drops
how to do it um yeah it's it's great to have a company in your back pocket to
help with with things that are willing to step up and help and yeah work with the design
and um and help you you know get the order in time and be willing to make it
happen and push to make it happen and um so abson has been that for us even on
smaller jobs it's not like because this was a huge job I mean obviously everyone wanted the job to happen um but they've
been helpful on on smaller jobs too right the same way if we had an issue you know they're they're very helpful Y
and that probably does have a lot to do with them having a pretty big presence in the United States and having an office and everything here I mean right
well Teamwork Makes a Dream Work yeah I mean we've been doing these walls forever but you know we're we're using a
new processor on this one which we'll get into yeah um we're probably the first install in the states with this
processor so yeah we're treading into new Waters yeah and they're very helpful putting it together
but all right so one of the big issues here with this project to so you know there's layers upon layers of issues or
like um priorities that the client will have so first the priority for this
project was just we we want to get rid of the projectors okay well that's done second was oh we want all the panels to
look the same across the whole room well obviously then we're going to have to do new panels so they're all on the same batch they're all the same manufacturer
they're all the same model and they all look the same right then it was well how
much latency is there going to be so so this was the big one yeah so for those of you who don't know latency is the
amount of time that it takes for an image to go through a camera lens
through the camera sensor put through a cable through a video switcher through a router through
a processor and then up on the screen so essentially a camera to the
screen how much time does it take all that information to get there and that's what we call the this latency meaning
that a pastor whoever is standing on stage in the room and he decides to do
something funny or make a big J like a big motion so he claps y right so if
you're watching the screen and you're watching him on this on the stage at the same time and he claps and then a half a
second later you see him clap on the screen yeah that's very distracting and not a great look you might have you
might see it at like big concerts and stuff yeah um where they just they throw these walls up really quickly and every
everything just has to happen for the for the live show and you might see kind of a delay latency is like I mean you can think of it it's the delay between a
person on stage doing something and then in the background right behind them on a
large massive screen going like this a little bit behind and you know if you're
sitting in line of a person and the screen it just drives you crazy yeah now
there's always latency yeah if if there's if you ever if you ever read anything anywhere and it says 08 laty uh
what they really mean is almost zero latency uh if you want to get really technical we you are only ever seeing
things after it happened it takes time for light for protons or whatever to hit
your eyes from what you're looking at there's latency there and there's definitely latency when it goes through
Electronics through cameras through switchers and it's a big deal it it
doesn't it's something to keep in mind when you have these live venues with Ima
yeah um well this was a big thing for B for this job like yes they wanted things
to look the same but they were dealing with latency issues with the with the items that they had already and so they
not only did they have things that were mismatched um you know over the over the last decade of just putting stuff in
there and making it happen right they had latency issues as well so this was a
very big sticking point with the leadership of the church and the production guys of we have to make this
the best it can be as far as latency goes now obviously we can't get it to zero like you said but we went down the
road of how fast can we make this right how many H you know how many milliseconds can we save you know on
everything how many frames can we save how many frames so we did some experiments I think we
want to yeah this is a p yeah this is a picture of us on site so this is before the install um what you're seeing here
is a picture of my laptop and it's it's playing time code so it's just on a
YouTube channel playing time code laptops at the bottom the time laptops at the bottom up there at the top is
their old LED wall that was hanging on on screen and what we've done here is
we've taken the camera which is at the back of the room and we focus in on my
laptop so my laptop is the zero frame the Zer second frame meaning it is the
reference so we watch the time code on my computer through a camera through a
switcher through a router through a processor and then up to their old LED wall and what we see is you take a
picture and you can see the difference in time um I'm not smart enough with math to figure this out right now you
remember this so yeah so that's about you know the last two numbers are your
frames right the frames per second so it should be they're probably shooting 30 what it was so we're at 26 up there and
five there so there's four on the top and five at the bottom so we're at nine frames that's nine frames difference
from camera to LED wall for for us seeing it right which is a lot it might
not seem like a lot but that's that's a good chunk of time when you have an when you have a a pastor and then the image
of the pastor behind them and they're doing something it's distracting so you see it not to get too nerdy on the math
but if it's 30 30 frames a second so we're at nine frames that's almost a third so it's almost a third of a second
like it's that much time difference which isn't isn't much but 750
milliseconds is that yeah I don't know that but yeah it's it's so we went down
the road of all right how many frames can we shave off of this how how can we
get this faster now like we said before LED walls uh were notorious for being
slower than projectors they couldn't process the information fast enough and spit it out to make sense so the latency
would be would be pretty rough when you saw it right um and so nowadays they
have sped them way up they're a lot faster but it depends on what you buy and the most important thing would
probably be the processor that you have in line to to do the processing and spit it out to the panels some latency is
like you can't get away from right so the processing inside of a camera to make it like photons
to electrical image right that takes time right it's quick but it's still
there even when you genlock a camera which everything here for nine frames was gen locked meaning we had a
reference we have a a clock reference going to every piece of gear in the chain we had sync or gen lock going to
the cameras we had gen loock going to the switcher gen lock going to the router gen loock going to the graphics
machine and then genlock going to their processor so this is best case scenar scario with all their equipment in line
but um there's stuff that you can't get away from the camera you can't get away from right uh any transmission if you do
extra transmission between the camera and and the equipment whether it's a converter every time you convert
something you scale something you have you have a converter scaler in line to change it from 1080p60 to 1080i whatever
right that adds a frame right um the switcher itself adds a frame and that's
uh well I mean you can get away from that if everything's gen locked but typically inside your switcher the
processing inside the switcher even when it's frame synced adds some time to it yeah and then going through the
processor and all that stuff is is more is more time so nine frames was added up
in this scenario and the projectors are the same they're around that and we we we tried a couple different things we
even like took pieces of equipment out went like straight from camera to the processor we went straight from the camera through the router to the pro
like we tried to to count up all these we were finding out what was what was
eating up the frames what was eating up the frames yeah we could find it I mean we go straight to projector whatever and
be like oh we just dropped three frames so okay what was in line before that right well that's what was eating those
frames up yeah so this became a big discussion and it was it was made very
clear hey if we're going to do this process project this huge thing this big overhaul mhm um the latency has to be as
good as it can be right so that went into the discussions with with the client of making sure everyone
understood you know what we just talked about hey there's going to be latency at some point but um we'll do what we can
do to to make it the best we could so that's where we started going down that road and that's when we ran into this
new processor was it yeah what's it called the mx6000 Nova Star
mx6000 yep that's their new line and um chassis based chassis base card base uh
on the back um so you can you can allart choose your input inputs cards and your
well outputs are only fiber only fiber this was a new thing too but so we wanted as fast and yeah as you know we
got we got in contact with Nova Star directly abson helped us out with that and we had conversations and it was like
oh let's try this processor let's try this one let's do this one we were putting quotes together with them then they're like oh we're changing it let's
do this well then this conversation came up of well we have this new processor
and it's not really even out like the software is in beta like it's just which it still is it's well yeah it still is
hopefully soon we're still waiting on some features so then we had to have the conversation of with the church of
there's this new processor you guys would probably be one of the first people to really even use it in the
Unites want to take a risk but what it means they say it's fast what they're claiming is you
know basically a frame in that in that processor which is nuts for the amount of processing that's going on so that's
way less than than other ones right um and so we went down that road and
everyone was on board with it and okay because novastar is also a huge company and they kind of Run the game in in this
control um for Led walls you probably if you have an LED wall you probably have a Nova Star wall unless you have something
called bromton which is just a different level but um so we decided to go with this new processor and kind of take a
shot and believe that it was as fast as they said it was and um we loaded up
with a bunch of cards a bunch of different inputs that they liked and wanted um all super you know highp speed
inputs and then right um yeah we did we did some m SDI inputs some some 12g SDI
we did some um high performance HDMI I forget what number it is yep and then
was it 2.1 or something or two I can't remember 2.2 I can't remember B up to a trillion pixels at whatever it is and
display ports display port ones um the outputs are what the outputs are kind of
are a new thing for us too with this processor um fiber outputs only so fiber cards so we put in a a fiber patch Bay
yep um then we just we'd essentially ran fiber from these output panels to
fiber disos and at the and at each wall essentially was a fiber Dro right which
broke out into cat cables that broke out to cat so typically when you're setting up an LED wall you probably have Cat 5
or cat 6 whatever cables running from your controller right to your directly to your panels which is how everything
works this is the new fiber runs and save time and Frames hopefully and yep
it did make it easier too we weren't running cuz there was a whole lot of home runs we would R had to run a crazy
amount of cat cable for these walls instead we ran like seven fiber cables I
think which is we which even like more than what we needed right we just did extra made it clean though yeah it did
made it really clean um so let's get into some of this install I've got some pictures from the install so here we
have the wall just going up so we had two weeks to do this which is actually more than usual honestly I mean well
working with churches we only usually get a week cuz Sunday comes every every weekend we kind of yeah so technically
we only had a week to do like the actual Pan the swap of the panels but we took
advantage of an extra week before to go in and do all the rigging and the cable PS anything we could possibly do to save
time on the install week um we did that in the first the first week which is
still that goes into the time the times the time line of this job which was very
fast to make happen and then very fast to actually install right so we procured all the uh all the chain hoist um
trussing uh Motors we we we put some new Motors in there for them y we did
electric motors electric motors they had some Motors that we used again
um they had those looked at right before we put them up we had them all everything was resered and Serv it was
perfect timing we we we did all it was great timing on all that stuff y um so here we have we have a truss going up or
here's a truss this is a sidewall so we had four pick points um and it's all
going up to structure above and you can just see they just put one of the uh one of the panel uh rows in
there um let me see here yeah so that's how we
rigged these um we flew some fifth cord truss um the
side panels or the side screens were uh a single piece of truss it was a big piece of truss like 24 ft long yeah um
this is all the all their uh their their truss down from the ceiling they had
existing light trussing so that was another thing while we were inst wall
the church staff was there reworking their whole lighting system at the same time yep um which just took coordination
between the two of us and everybody kind of working together and trying to stay out of each other's way shout out to bpro there we go they had a crazy thing
happen while they were doing the lighting yeah uh one bad power cable who
knows how I know but it had a swapped it had a swapped hot and ground which is
worst case scenario one you can't do and they had a line of how many fixtures
probably like I don't know 10 I think 10 mover different Ty of fixtures and
somehow a bad cable got in the mix and they plugged it in and it popped every
single fixture down the line and either messed up their control boards or their
they check the fuses but nightmare yeah Nightmare how does it I mean how' that even happen I mean that stuff just
happen the devil demons and Gables so here's the here's the back of the panel so these
are nice these are the ab so what AB PL 2.5 version two PL Pro PL sorry I had
this um PL 2.5 plus version two um these
are a newer panel these are great uh they looked amazing yeah they have the
new kind of Ratchet system on the on the connectors which was really nice yeah um
all the guys were like oh these go up so easy they're so they're so nice to put up which typically is not what we hear from our guys guys yeah and when you I
mean if you put an LED wall up before or you haven't when you do you run into
things not fitting I mean the the minute measurements of these things have to be so unbelievably perfect for them to go
together the tolerances are ridiculous insane it has to be and so if it's that's why that's why we have that's why
we have uh special um structural trussing that doesn't Bend or bow very
much right we have to we put in um turnbuckles turnbuckles everywhere so we can adjust everything by the minut
little movement to keep everything flat to keep everything square right cuz it's
like every every time you if you're a little off at the top you don't even know till you're at the bottom oh yeah
and then you're and then you're off by a half inch you're like well what the heck it's because some and as you're putting
more weight on that trussing it's it's starting to right to to Bow a bit I mean
just it's physically it's going to do but these these went up these went up really great yeah especially for the
side of the wall I mean these were big walls even the side screens are big walls the center one obviously is really
big right so they still went up great um the magnets are super strong on them as
well um so they really grabbed on when you when you threw them up there yep our
team putting them up this is one of our oh this is one of
our newbies yeah but man that's how the LEDs come just so you guys know every single one of them are in its own little
so you can get either wood wood crates if it's is it cheaper to do that yeah it's typically cheaper to get wood
crates shpping crates wood shipping crates and or you can get road cases road cases so if you get road cases
they'll still be in a plastic bag with like a plastic cover on inside the road case inside the road case but otherwise
you get a wooden crate like you see on that picture in the back and then each one of those are six or eight I can't
remember individual boxes that you have to take out open up pull the panel out
it's in a bag you got to cut the bag take the panel out take the cover off so
that times over 500 you know in the backstage area it got nuts we did I
think we had three giant uh dumpsters worth of trash I mean it was yeah that's
coordination there tooe oh yeah that doesn't just happen so they had all those all those
crates in their back back they were stacked they were stacked High I I found some pictures of uh of Luke
on a I know I on the Scissor on the or on the uh the forklift I was like I'm
not going to show that OSHA's going to be all over us no when I was there I was like all right so Luke is actually
certified to run a forklift oh there you go and because he was with the coast guard for a while before he worked with
us that's true and it was during covid and he had to like load a forklift at a at a center for like food or something
so I was like all right you're on the forklift American hero just doing Luke is usually the the you know on a
computer somewhere um commissioning stuff but I was like hey man you got to go run the forklift right so here we
have uh uh young Matthew um Padawan this is all he did was manage boxes and cases
of LEDs yeah for four days for four days while the the rest of the crew put them
up or did whatever wired them in yeah uh but that's just a just you know keep that in mind out there you're going to
have a whole lot of trash you're going to have a whole lot of uh boxes and all that stuff
this is them uh putting it up so we had a really great game plan uh none of this
just happens you can't wing it you can't just show up and just start throwing LED walls up you have to have a plan every
data path uh there's there's um restrictions or there's limits to the amount of
panels that you can put on a single data run data run so we have to work all that
out ahead of time and power run and power so both power and data are are
they have maximum lengths right maximum panel counts right so none of this just
happens we pre-design it and our crew knows how many and the and the the line
of of uh of data like the path is going to take through the whole wall so it
goes up and down up and down does it go left and right it could go either way um so because we had that plan they
were able to as they put up the each panel they knew which direction the data was going to go they knew which
direction the power was going to go and they were able to to Cable while they C
right so that's uh David and Keegan that's David uh praying over the
LED wall uh we pray over every LED wall that we we in actually that's a funny
picture we kind of do but I don't think he's praying there so this is after we had them all
up and um what you can see here
o what you can see here is some of the mapping that we're doing so at this
point well I guess a couple other things that happened at this point we had to
get uh a new electrical panel put in there's a I mean was a lot of power yeah
400 amps of LED so that's something that people don't understand either is and they
typically go well I thought it was led why do you need all this power and we see that all the time on these projects where we we putting in LED wall and we
have to put a you know yeah we need 20s something 208 volt
circuits and these electricians never know what that's for right they're like what why would you need that much I
thought they're LED can't aren't they low consumption well they're way lower
than a discharge you know fixture but that's a lot of light that's a lot of it
adds up I mean 500 panels doesn't matter if those are low voltage or not I mean
so yeah we did and that's something to keep in mind too on your budget I mean that's that's looked over a lot so you
might you know we we go into that when we're putting quotes together designs or whatever we always put in a line item
for estimated electrical cost or whatever just so you have it but yeah this was a chunk of the budget to come
in and basically put in a a lot of electrical Y which is great they needed
it to do something like this to do it right um so it's great that it happened um but yeah that was a whole another
coordination um with this whole job yeah we had
uh let me see do you know David's uh uh oh yeah sunrift sunrift electric shout
out sunrift electric David thank you for your help on this project great if y'all looking for a um
a great electrician yeah we've kind of worked with him on a couple projects he's been great he's he's fun um did a
great job on this so he he had to essentially install this uh a brand new
linch panel uh linac panels are uh they have
relay relay Breakers meaning electrically electronically we can
control the breakers so we send a network cable to it and then we can control it and say like all right turn off Breakers one through 40 this is so
they can turn power off to the panels during the week that's right like if they don't need to be on then you might
as well not have power going to them if it's possible I mean that is an expense it's a bit of a luxury I I mean it's
great I love it it it helps the longevity of your equipment too yep um but instead of sending a guy up to your
power your electrical room and flipping Breakers right you can get something like a linch panel and just push a
button we program it and call it day um so what David had to do was uh
install that panel run all the branch circuits up to we did some custom panels
that had Uh custom twist lock twist lock out outputs and then it also had fiber
outputs everything labeled per circuit per per location uh per panel everything was
kind of prenot we we knew what we were doing ahead of time right um plan came together and now they have all
that power in strategic locations across their ceiling
essentially um so we have to get all that power to all these locations with
the fiber with all the communication as well yep and then build looms custom power looms custom fiber
looms yep that drop from the panels down to the trussing Y that feed the walls right right so once they're all up then
you get something that looks like this so this is this is all of the walls up I see a
camera on the portraits right now but I'm just going through whatever I find here yeah uh but essentially what we're
doing here is now mapping the video
across every screen and in this scenario we have that
new processor the mx6000 which can handle every single
Pixel from house left screen to house right screen everything in between it's pretty crazy typically if we have
isolated different screens we would usually we do multiple processors and so
like a processor per screen right and it makes a little bit cleaner because we know what you're sending there you know
just it's a an output off the router going to it and we send it whatever we want in this scenario we wanted that new
processor in the speed and having everything inside of One processor to
map across every single screen Y which is awesome and so it was all pixel mapped it was
all uh there's a couple picture and pictures inside of it so you could with all those different input cards on that
mx6000 you could send all these different sources and then inside the program move it around right so right
here we're just looking at at um some shapes to help us map accordingly pixel
accurate um to to make sure that our mapping is correct and our images will go where we want them to
right let me see here so this is uh this is Matt stuff
working with their crew um and this is there I think he's working on the hippo there so he has a
graphics machine that's pushing graphics and that's that was a that was a new
signal flow for them yep they were sending video through their hippo at one
point before and that was actually a a main source of [ __ ] in the armor yeah
that was a main source of latency was running their program imeg video through the H that's something we found when we
were doing that testing we talked about before yeah as we were bypassing things and we understanding that that hippo was
pretty heavy for video processing yeah um just running Graphics from it fine
but pushing video through it creating content that way to go out to their current system was eating up a lot of
frames right so we did not want to do that in this scenario so we took the
hippo out of the signal path and simply made it a source so the hippo outputs a
display port a 4K display port output yep and that hits one of the display port cards on the processor yep and now
you can map that anywhere so that's a 4K image that we can push so if they create content that's 4K they have they have
videos they have um moving backgrounds they have you whatever they have this was important
too because we don't want to just come in and throw everything away you know if
they have equipment and gear that's working uh then we should try to reuse it somehow and it would have been easy
to just to say well the hippo's causing you to lose like four frames in your signal we should just get rid of it and
do something else I don't think it was that much but yeah I mean whatever it was it wasn't helping anything yeah so
instead it was like all right how else could we use the hippo then and instead of instead of you know being wasteful
you know we don't want to be that so it turned into this idea of let's just make it be the graphics machine basically and
it worked out really well and it does a really good job for what it's doing
except scario except that it didn't work at first it it works it's worked out now
but yeah the week of install the week of install only half the wall would show correctly and we're going what is going
wrong here and this is a something that we deal with when we're messing with uh when we have we come process and and
we're dealing with equipment that's already existing on a on a project so we didn't we had nothing to do with that
hippo we don't even know what it is we we had we had sold it to them we don't serve like whatever we didn't know what
it was but we want to help them figure it out cuz we're it's part of this project so that that was a that was
something that came up during the week of oh crap we're like in this now and we
got to figure out the hippo I I remember trying I'm like online trying to find like the hippo guy and calling them and
right trying to get you know help with with tech support and everything um Matt
stuff went deep Matt stuff who's one of our one of our designers one of our
installers he's he's a longtime Crown Crown designer yeah um love him uh he
went deep into that hippo and here's the issue that we found yeah
off of the graphics cards inside of the hippo they have
small um cables just from that from that uh
graphics card to the cha the chassis card right the interface card and we
were pushing display port 2.1 or whatever like yeah and those little
adapter cables inside the hippo were not certified for that amount of bandwidth
right and we had there was two of them and that we were getting different things from each and different timing as well
it was very weird and so strange you can imagine the path we went down to try to cuz we're literally opening it up right
and it's if you're taking the physical thing apart you are we have already been through the ringer on this thing and
spent you know a couple days of technical support and calls and it was
it was frustrating and wasn't our piece of and then yeah an old piece of gear that we didn't sell them and you know
that's just it just comes with the territory sometimes with this stuff but Matt figured it out yeah ordered a
couple new little adapter cables for inside the the unit yep and voila it
worked yeah so he's there so here's a picture of Matt working on that um he
was also another feature that they wanted was to be able to move screens around
inside that processor so they this processor comes with a great software where you can kind of pixel map and move
things around move your images around eventually hopefully the software comes out and they're able to change that
mapping on the fly so we're waiting for that we're waiting for those um scenes
to be they can do it right now they can save scenes but they really want to be able to um change scenes on the fly
right so I think that's coming out soon right that's what that email is I would assume that's what that was that firmware and software update is
okay so here's another look at
the mapping you can kind of get an idea here this is mapped from left to
right so essentially you could have a bouncing ball bounce from house left
screen down to the portraits and you could do a full you could do a single video yeah that plays across this whole
thing that's pretty sweet I forget what the resolution is do you ever do you ever figure out what the I did
um don't worry about it yeah I can't remember a lot of pixels a lot of pixels from left to right it's way over 4K yep
um um here's a time lapse you want to see a time lapse yeah let's do it we did a time lapse maybe I'll pause it at
first and we can take a look at um oh I tried try to pause
it so this is there those are the projector screens on the sides so visually just in the
room those are big giant white squares that you always saw y I mean that's a big aesthetic thing in the room right um
so that was that was just a big change overall just physically in the room all of a sudden those giant white squares
were gone yep and they didn't look good it's just it was just too much time on
them and yeah just yeah it was time so this was the this was the last week so
this is the second week of stall y like Monday morning type thing the church is on stage taking down all their lighting
um the the old LED walls down already but let's take a look oh there we go
here we go pulling the screens on you can see them on this on this down there big up and
up Center wall up and up and up and then I think this is a period of
five days five days yeah get rid of those screens
it's more trusting we're doing all this cabling up on top they have a sky sky grid I think they call it yeah um so you
can walk around above the stage there you can see us turning them on for the first time it's always great when you can do some turn them on and see them
working looking at
Graphics yeah a lot of movement yeah a lot of moving pieces
there to make this thing happen in a matter of 4 or five days in between Services yep for
sure I think at one point you can actually see the issue that we're having with that hippo I think it you see it on
the center oh maybe not yeah there it is you see it yeah there it is again see yeah yeah it
was like two different outputs because it was pushing I think was it pushing two 4K outputs is that what it was doing
I believe so yeah yeah so yeah that's but that was late in the I mean that was
like day four and we were still having that issue I know that Center wallo it
was annoying boom yeah so let's look at some uh some
stuff here so this is it this is after it's this is the first weekend I believe
um you can see how they're using it here they have a couple different programs
going they have a main program for imeg on the on the the left and the right screen screens then they have a separate
a separate mix for the portraits with a separate key with the lyrics so the lyrics are higher right obviously on the
sides you have the lyrics at the bottom of the screen and then on the portraits you have them on the upper part of the
screen which makes sense and then the center you can see the LED Wall
Graphics this one was cool
um yeah I like that this Jordan yep you can see what they're
doing with the graphics there like on that portrait screen obviously this was very spiritual message about football refs
and Saints um yeah the the impression I got when you look at the contrast was
great on the on the panels like the blacks were very dark very nice uh um the refresh rate and everything went
well looked good Mor was minimum yep uh it the colors were great yep the
the pixel depth was great like it looked like a banner it looked like a painting yeah it looked like a like a scrim or
something like a big graphic that they had printed and hung there right um it
looks it looked it looked legit that's a that's a a wider
shot yeah that's a great shot there yeah so that's uh this is in the
control room or in the production sweet whatever you want to call it but that's Jasmine shout out Jasmine she's the uh
video director she oversees the team there um the video team the camera Ops
the engineers the graphics all that and she's on a Ross um she's running there's
a Carbonite and an altrix uh she's got a 3me um panel there and they have another
one uh for a broadcast mix we could probably go through their whole video system at some point we did
we did their cameras video upgrades and I I love their set so
maybe we'll do another episode of that but this brings up some of the different mixes
so because they have all those different screens they are running multiple Mees
video mixes right I think they're running an me for program which kind of goes to the side
sides an Emy for the portraits I think
two mini mes for the center graphics and then I think another me for their actual
online video I think I might I may have gotten that wrong just pretend I'm right
yeah but what we H what we what we did here with Jasmine was these Ross
consoles are extremely capable and we just program
macros essentially what we do is we say when I'm switch ing between all my
cameras for my imeg screens on the sides I want the jib shot I want the dolly
shot I want cam 3 and cam four I want all these different shots and B B B I'm cutting through them but for those
portrait shots I don't want the jib it feels weird the jib is a big wide shot
right it's it's disconnecting it's great for online jibs are great for online because you get to see the whole church
you get to see feel like you're there you see the congregation like you kind of you know you're watching at at home online you might as well feel like
you're there a bit so you see you see the room you see the people but when you're in the room and you're looking at
those portrait screens you want to see a person you're trying to connect with someone you're trying to connect with
the worship leader or a pastor speaking so we set up these macros on
the switcher every time for online they hit the jib it did not go the jib for the
portraits right and so we just send camera whatever whatever their camera numbers are Center tight or
whatever and so it makes it really easy so she's running all those mixes from
one from one switcher and she's just going click click click and kind of she's keeping her she's keeping her her
main program in mind and she knows that certain cameras are not going to go to
those portraits right or the center screen obviously which helped I mean that's a lot to throw on a staff or or
anybody to come in and do like a huge overhaul like that right and then now
your whole flow is completely different right your your entire switching flow everything's different for you and you
got to think through and it's opening weekend and you don't want to everyone's looking at the new stuff and you don't
want to put the wrong thing up and so yeah shout out to them yeah to Bayside their crew and for you know going with
the flow and and making it happen it's a growing I mean now they grow into this
thing right and it's like oh what else could we do with those portrait you know so many capabilities so much uh Creative
Solutions that you can do with this it's like having a brand new canvas to paint on and I think they'll get they're probably getting into that kind of stuff
now I bet so early on it was like we just have to get through service and not
completely screw it up it's a brand new flow a brand new it's a brand new setup
everything's different yeah and we we wanted to help as much as we could with that that's why we did the macros and stuff cuz we want it to go well too on
the service we want you know we want it to go well and now it's probably getting more into like the creative the creativeness of it of hey what else
could we actually do with this stuff now that we're starting to really learn it and understand how it's all flows and getting more comfortable with it so mhm
yeah Sky's a limit on on this stuff yep it looked really good in the room it
fits really well like I said it's it's a lot there's a lot of panels there are big screens but the the room is big I
mean it's a large room and it that means you're going you need big screens people were blown away yeah it was a it was a
feature in the room when you walk in he like whoa especially I definitely noticed it at the relate conference
people were well cuz those are pastors and and prod and production staffs and everything from churches and so they're
coming in to look that's I mean they are coming there to look and learn and yeah
scope and hope um well basai did it yeah can I get an LED wall yeah you can yeah
call us up Design Group we got a lot of conversations about everyone wants an LED W these days and but the crazy thing
is I mean we we don't sell projectors often anymore no because because of
everything that's happened like we said at the beginning of this with the price coming down on them and the speed
getting better and it being easier to work with and better controllers and you know
everything now it's like like yeah you you probably should stretch to do LED
panels if if you can the benefits are huge it was just the price holding us back it was always the price yeah and as
long as you could get into a pixel pitch that made sense for your application no one
likes a really big pixel pitch and you're like close to the wall and you
all you're seeing is dots yeah and I've seen applications like that yeah and it's like dude you should have just
saved your money a projector would have been better yeah projector just wait yeah wait and do it later but if you can
if you can hit your pixel pitch for your your viewing distance uh you are now emitting light
you are not reflecting light off of a projector screen you are pushing light and we know that because what what
percentage are we pushing these these panels right now um I think they were around half so 50% brightness right
that's the difference it is emitting light into your eyes so much so that we have to turn it down right
um people can stand in front of the screen it's a whole new world of you know if you have a projector if you're
listening to this and you have a projector at your church and you deal with that all the time of I know people putting their arms up and they're in the
projector and you you can't have stuff you can't have Graphics behind you because of it unless you have a rear projector and you have this whole issue
if there's ambient light you're losing luminance you're losing even the lights from your stage I mean stage the stage
and washing your screen out it's everything that we dealt with for years is dealing with projectors right goes
away and nowes it not only goes away it turns into this big
tool huge creative tool that you have right and you can just make your room look with like whatever you want any
week I mean it is the it is the way it is the way to do it yeah CU we come from the old school yeah of uh of church
stage designs we did stage designs we did stage designs physical designs out of like wood and stuff yeah built them
yeah we there remember there's that website I forget what it is we should find it something like church
or something yeah it's something like that and just had ideas and you know this is when you couldn't afford an LED
wall yeah people were starting to talk about it but there's no way you couldn't do it yeah this is like 12 years ago maybe you had projectors 12 13 years ago
but you like you said you have all the issues with projectors so what do you do you do a set design you build something
on your stage on your back wall to make it look like not a black curtain pallets and pars I mean those palletes that was
like palletwood palletwood anything from Home Depot like bubble wrap yeah whatever lights stringing fabric stuff
we did so much stuff with that I think the the best one we ever did was
the uh the ball circles and straws the Globes and straws the balls from uh like
a was like a craft store chuckecheese ball yeah like we had to buy them in bulk yeah and then you put you cut
straws and put them on a string it took for freaking ever dude but it looked awesome I mean but that's what it was
that's so that's where we came from that's where we came from a long time ago now you have a graphic designer yeah
so you have an LED wall behind you and you have a graphic designer do something cool and they put pallet wood on it yeah
you still want the look I haven't seen that yet we should just do that go back to the pallet look but via LED go to
that go to that site the stage design sight and take the images and post them
up there we should do a throwback and I mean and just try to replicate one of those palletwood or yeah the fabric or
the balls or whatever yeah we have some Wild Ones man but yeah that's the new world it's it's it's so much more
versatile and now behind you you can make it look like I mean it's obvious if
if if you know how the Mandalorian right was filmed right it was filmed on a volume right which is
just a big LED wall and they use game uh like they use game engines and stuff and
they use camera tracking and so essentially the Mandalorian is on you
know a set that has like dirt on the ground but then it's just an LED wall above them and and behind them right and
everywhere that camera moves the actual scene changes behind it so that you get that the correct um perception or the
correct movement of the camera and so that's an LED screen I mean and it looks
like they're on whatever I'm so bad Star Wars name t
t it looks like you're on Tatooine wow we're on tattoo now you're on an LED wall screen a
volume but that's that's uh what you can do now yeah you can you can just put any
background behind you and it'll look creative on on camera or it look intentional maybe you're maybe you're
doing like a Christmas um series and it wants to be like you know family at home
Christmas series and so it looks like like a house looks like a you know a beautiful home with a with a tree you
know a well-lit tree and a fireplace and stockings and it looks like pastors
walking around in a living room right you can do that I mean yeah it's this is
the way now so is that from the mandalorean I think it is yeah I think
it is it is the way yeah L we tie it all together is the way yeah but I mean
yeah it it is it has just changed in the past few years to where this is doable
now yep it really is and obviously there's always a budget you might look at this and be like oh my gosh there's
no way I could afford well your budget's probably different but this thing had a budget too I mean every job we do has
has budgets no matter how big or small there's always a budget so you might look at a big job and think oh they have
endless money and can do whatever they want whatever it's never like that there's always a tight budg we're always
cutting stuff to make it happen right um it's all relative with your budget so we
work well with the budget because we're because we're Church dudes yeah uh we had to do things on a budget all the
time yeah and I think that's one of the the great things about our company is that we we do work well with a budget
and we never go over yeah we never go over you can't you can't cuz we were in those positions at a time in our lives
right and we got a certain amount of money to work with and that was it like you don't you can't go over that people
are uh clients are perfectly okay with saying yes to a project if they know exactly how much it's going to cost them
no one likes when you show up and say oh we forgot something you owe this much
more right that's unacceptable that that equals a client just being mad at you right so it's part of our integrity it's
part of you know that's why we take very careful you know um we we design these
things very carefully and we put our hled together very carefully because we know essentially once we give him this
quote like that's it signed off make unless it's a th% outside of our control
yeah if they want to add something or they change things or like whatever we're doing a they decide to go bigger
we're doing a renovation and they knock down a wall and they find the Arc of the Covenant we have to work around it all
of a sudden has nothing to do with us right but that uh that's a huge thing
yep so everyone has a budget yep I haven't been given a blank check yet and
I always say it the day that someone gives me a blank check I'll make it awesome we'll make we'll make it awesome it'll be awesome
but um until then yeah probably won't happen probably won't happen if you have a blank check at home
and want to give it to us we will make something awesome for you so yeah any I mean anything else to
talk about on this I think I went through all the content yeah I think I think we're good um we talked about a
bunch of this stuff I know one other little note like any problems or issues after the install that came up so one
thing that's happened is because we have used this new technology with the processor um we've had to like I we said
before we it's in beta version like the software is beta Y and so there are some features that they don't have that they
don't have yet and that we wanted that they wanted um so we've been waiting on that but that was up we were up front at
the beginning about it but that is something that's kind of just lingered along it looks like we actually got an
email today oh do we saying that oh for for the software that they're releasing the software update publicly even it'll
be their first one so you hear you heard it here for here you heard it here first folks um other than that I mean this
this project was very successful um it was a massive uh visual change in the
room um the Logistics of putting it together and making it all happen on the
timeline on the budget with the certain challenges we have with the latency um with the with the design with
the electrical all that stuff it really went about as good as it could have gone
right we ran into some problems with the hippo like we said that stuff happens on every project something comes up it's
never as easy as you think it's going to be there's always never works that's technology that's works it never works
when you plug it in it always has to be you always have to make it work right but that's all normal stuff yeah we're
so used to it but yeah it went really really well uh the church I believe is
is Happy um and hopefully they can use this thing for a long time absolutely
yep well I think that that's it so um I hope you liked our first podcast
or crown cast podcast uh please like And subscribe and all those other things you're supposed to say in every video
yeah uh let us know what you think uh we're going to keep doing this if you have ideas or questions you want us talk
about or do a podcast on or yeah whatever let us know um we're open to
ideas we have a lot of projects we can do with this was a big one but we we'll do small ones too just yeah depends on
you know where we're at a lot of different projects yeah so we're and and also if
you're looking for an integrator we're the we're the ones for you so uh Design Group we are you know we're based in
Bradon Florida but we go all over we're mostly in Florida we do a lot of projects in Florida but um we're all
over we're all over the states we're up in Indiana I'm I'm heading up that's why I'm dressed like this I'm I'm heading up
to Indiana uh this afternoon launching a church up there launching a church a brand new build that we help design uh
from the ground up uh it's going to look awesome we'll do a we'll do a podcast on that yeah so uh so yeah if you need
anything audio video video lighting um sales uh service if you're having issues
uh if you need you need help with technical issues we have uh Crown Care Crown care. help uh check us out at
crown desig for any other integration things or just hit us up let us know what you
think peace out